
Jan 20, 2022

Well hi there! I’ve been meaning to start a small blog on my website here to keep you all updated on anything and everything. Writing has been one of my hobbies most of my life, but the past few years I haven’t spent much time on it. But here we are, I’m excited to have another way to share my creativity and thoughts with you.

I’ve been in California for almost a month now. I came out here for Christmas, and then to attend my friend’s bachlorette party and wedding, which unfortunately were both canceled due to covid restrictions. I’d arranged beforehand to have a housesitter/dogsitter stay in my place in Hawaii until the end of January. So, I’ve decided to just hang out in California for the time being and spend time with my parents. Work on a couple songs. Spend some time focusing on rebuilding good habits like daily workouts, eating enough, meditation, all that good stuff that is so simple yet makes a huge difference in my mental health and overall wellbeing.

I hope all of you out there are doing great


Travels in Costa Rica Journal